It means person is mangaleek.
Now , depending on mangal’s presence in watery or airy or fiery or earth sign, we have to see the consequences. Mangaleek is a dreaded word , though there is nothing like it.
Such a person should try to marry a mangaleek. Here lies the big twist.
When a doctor suggest a person to avoid sweet and sugar in daily diet, then person hankers for it more. We normally fall for things , which are mostly not favorable for our health and bliss. Every student thinks, I will sleep a lot on first night after exams, but then he does not get that much sleep. That’s human nature. Every kid wakes up early on Sunday, you need to force them to leave bed on weekdays.
In relations , A mangaleek person is most likely a stubborn Romantic. They may tend to love a person ( Non mangaleek species). Now technical glitch as shown above happens.
Its past karmic debts which will stress out a person especially on relationship front. Only a change in perspective can help a person to go through the challenges. Almighty expect such person to control his temperament, else relationship with non mangaleek person becomes a nuisance.