The water from a sacred river should always be put on head first and only then the feet should be kept in.
Giving charity to very poor man, arranging for worship in a temple which if he cannot afford it and cremating an orphan’s body is like performing Aśvamedha Sacrifice.
One should never enter the home from the back side.
No matter what, one should speak truth. If truth is hurting someone then do not speak, but do not lie.
One should never question God, result of fate, other world, next birth, heaven and hell.
If a beggar arrives while you are eating, then the food should be offered to him first.
Chaya of a lamp, dust raised by hoofs of sheep, goat or donkey, dust raised by winnowing should be avoided.
One should not stand in the junction of two roads at midnight, at noon, At Dawn, at dusk or after eating food at the śrāda.
One should never go barehanded to an elder’s house, to temple, to pundit, to Guru and to King’s house.
One should not consume food with wet cloth, without thanking God, with hair untied and without taking out the portions for birds, cow etc.