Most of the people are aware of Vedic astrology. Its a pure subject , where most of the knowledge is deciphered from the Sanskrit salokas given in ancient literature. Now, it depends on the interpretation. so most of the principles are not perfecte ven till date. Only people with satvic approach or sidhis are the one with intuitive power of make predictions.
Lal kitab is like a Desi manual. It works as shortcuts to certain problems. It is facing the same problem, Interpretation.
e.g. Keeping a dark corner at end of house is one of the remedy. Its actual meaning is keeping secrets , no telling everything openly.
e.g. Wearing clean and ironed clothes will help strengthen Venus. Venus stands for the opposite sex and wearing clean clothes will help please the opposite sex.
Taking another example; as per Lal Kitab to strengthen the Moon one should touch his mother’s feet and seek her blessings. Moon stands for mother and therefore this remedy is greatly helpful. Though all these Lal Kitab remedies might look bizarre and weird to you initially yet each one of them is has a logical explanation for them
It was a secret book in urdu, where interpretation need to be done. I will share more example. Now the problem lies in superstition, which cannot be controlled.