All the planets shine with the reflected light of the Sun; they represent different solar rays. Hence there is only real one light, which is the Sun, which is all lights, and is inwardly the light of the mind.
In Vedic astrology, therefore, the Sun is the principle of light, life and love, our true will and perception. It is the most important factor for determining the spiritual life and potentials of the individual. It represents the soul, the causal body or reincarnating entity, whose will is behind our fate. It is also the mind or the mental principle on a lower level as reason, discernment, clarity and illumination.
A well-placed Sun gives intelligence, perception, strength of will and character. It affords endurance, stamina, vitality, positive spirit, direction, courage, conviction, confidence, leadership, independence and straight-forwardness. Without it whatever we may do or accomplish in life will not be ours and will not give us inner strength or peace.
An ill-placed Sun gives lack of intelligence, poor perception, weakness of will and character. It creates lack of endurance, low vitality, melancholy, fear, dependency or servitude, deviousness or dishonesty.
An overly strong but malefically disposed Sun creates pride, arrogance, tyranny and control. It creates much of the same problems as Mars (or Saturn) when too strong. It can give a deceptive charisma and a dominating personality. When the Sun is strong we outshine everyone else for good or ill; depending on whether its disposition is benefic or malefic, conscious or unconscious.
A weak but spiritually disposed Sun makes us receptive, wanting to do good and self-effacing. We may lack in confidence and come under the rule of other people. We will seek to sacrifice ourselves but may not know what to give ourselves over to.
The Sun rules the heart, the organ of circulation and vitality, and a weak Sun gives problems here. Inwardly the heart is the organ of intelligence that regulates the life, breath, aspiration and perception. The nature of the Sun in the chart shows who we really are in our hearts. The Sun shows who we are in ourselves, as an individual, as apart from how we appear or what roles we take. It shows how we are with ourselves, in ourselves and by ourselves.
The Sun is our sense of self and indicates the level of our self-manifestation. On the lower level, the Sun represents the ego. It shows our impulses towards power, prestige, fame, honor, respect, authority and control–all the things that give value and preeminence to our separate self and personal power. It shows where we shine, how we shine and in what we shine, how we illumine ourselves and our own lives.
On the higher level, the Sun represents our soul as our power of direct cognition. It shows our aspirations, our creativity, our seeking for light and for truth, our integrity, our capacity to transcend external conditionings and be a light unto ourselves. The Sun is who we really are, and with the Sun in the chart is the problem of identity, the search for our true Self, the great enquiry “Who am I”. It is this inner search that is the real basis for the psychology of astrology.
The Sun directs us towards the yoga of knowledge for the revelation of our inner being. In terms of family relationships, the Sun represents the father. We can read through it the life of our father, our relationship to him and his influence upon us. It is the role of the father to shape our sense of self, to provide us with direction and self-worth in life. It is the absence, weakness or failure of the father in modern culture that is behind the many ego, identity and self-image problems so many of us today possess. The son needs a beneficent father to give him a sense of self-strength, self-mastery and capacity to function capably in the world. The daughter needs a good father to give her the sense of self-worth, integrity and the capacity to be her self in the world. We can judge this by the Sun in the chart.
The Sun shows the kinds of authority and the values which shape our lives. The Sun represents the king, the president, the political leader. It can indicate the government in general and whatever favors or promotions may come through it. It represents law and order on lower or higher levels, rule and reason.
The Sun can represent spiritual authority and along with Jupiter help us understand the nature of the guru or the spiritual teaching we are most likely to follow. It shows our guiding light, principles, values and precepts.
The inner purpose of the Sun in the chart is to aid in our transcendence. It takes us beyond things, negating their limitation. It may raise us to a high level outwardly in life but will inwardly push us beyond that. It operates to negate all things into the self. The Sun tends to deny the ordinary activities of life but only to command the extraordinary, the highest, the best.
The Sun will further us in the highest or most grandiose human striving. It will give the power of independence, the capacity to become a value or a light unto ourselves and will promote the growth of intelligence. While destructive of form and expression, it elevates the being and the intrinsic worth of things. It does not always give abundance but does give quality. It gives power, fame, mastery and glory but not always wealth or emotional happiness.
In Sanskrit, there are innumerable names for the Sun. Most commonly he is called “Surya”, which means the father, progenitor, enlivener, impeller, the source of will, energy, motivation and inspiration, like the Greek Sun god Apollo.
Knowledge Source:- Dr David..Astrologer